Old South Apparel's Founder Tyler Hair Talks Instagram

KEYS TO INSTAGRAM SUCCESS: Tyler Hair, the owner of the clothing store and website based in Eastover, said the company makes an effort to include photos of their apparel posted by other Instagram users, which helps attract followers. The account is tailored to fit the store’s theme of comfortable, Southern style.

TIPS: Hair treats Instagram like a true advertising opportunity, and it seems to be working — the business doesn’t advertise anywhere else. He advises other businesses to take the social media outlet seriously. “We saw the potential in Instagram since the beginning,” he said. “People are not understanding the power of it.”

While Hair said the company tries to keep the account personable, they also use it to advertise flash sales and other promotions. The return has proven this strategy successful. Hair said on one occasion, they had more than 200 people actively buying merchandise on the website within six minutes of posting a flash sale on the social media site. Hair said for his company, Instagram is their most successful social media outlet because it doesn’t filter or promote content like Facebook does. On Instagram, posts are seen based only on when they were posted. “Whenever we post a picture, everyone sees it,” he said.

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